Monday, May 9, 2011

Evenflo ExerSaucer 1-2-3 Tea for Me

ExerSaucer 1-2-3 Tea for Me 
Rental: $48/month 4 months to walking age 
Maximum height of baby allowed 76 cm

The Evenflo Pink ExerSaucer is designed especially for little girls.
A cute tea party theme provides baby with everything she needs to host her own tea party, featuring a variety of toys that help baby reach 10 developmental milestones such as hand-eye coordination, cause and effect understanding, and fine and gross motor skills.
The three-height adjustments accommodate the growing baby and "Rock, Spin, and Bounce actions help baby get plenty of exercise.
With ExerSaucer’s status as "a safer alternative" to walkers, you’ll feel confident that you’re providing what’s "Best for Baby".
Variety of age-appropriate toys help baby achieve 10 development milestones such as cause/effect understanding, hand-eye coordination and more.
-Landscaped tray surrounds child to bring toys closer to baby.

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